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I have always found the transition from babies relying solely on milk, to adding new foods to their diets, to be an exciting stage of their development. I love watching my children’s changing expressions as they try new foods. Often crossing my fingers that they might respond positively to new tastes like avocado and kale. As it turns out, my children point blank refuse to be this middle class and of course prefer foods like ketchup or chicken nuggets. I guess I will have to wait a few more years before I can begin dishing out olives and quinoa, without the worry of having it thrown back in my face.
I may have succeeded in passing on my love of fresh fruit to my children (thank the lord for small mercies), but when it comes to foods like exotic vegetables and whole grains, I may as well admit defeat. I can dish them out time and again, but the response is always the same and that response is not good. The most my children will tolerate is a small serving of peas and sweetcorn or the odd carrot baton.
Nowadays, we are all too aware of the important role that diet plays in everyone’s health, not least our children’s, and for this reason I think nutrition can be a source of headaches to parents. I remember feeling so stressed out when Charlie went through a stage of fussy eating and I was permanently concerned she wasn’t getting the nutrition she needed. The problem I found, is that no matter how good my intentions, there were always times where what she ate was out of my control. You can’t force feed a toddler with sweet potato, they simply won’t allow it.
This is where supplementing your toddler’s diet with SMA® PRO Toddler Milk as part of a varied and balanced diet can be beneficial. Despite all of us being acutely aware of the effect of diet on health, many toddlers’ diets require more Vitamin D and iron. The former being a nutrient that can be a little difficult to obtain from food. Foods such as eggs and salmon are good sources of vitamin D, but both of which are foods my children can be quite fussy about. Unless the eggs are in cake of course, then they seem to have no difficulty eating them at all. Funny that.
So, the next time your toddler decides to launch their lovingly prepared plate of salmon or eggs across your dining room table, take comfort in the knowledge that SMA® PRO Toddler Milk contains vitamin D and calcium, for normal growth and development of bone. 2 x 200ml of SMA® PRO Toddler Milk provides toddlers with 108% of the RI for vitamin D. Even if your hard work in the kitchen goes to waste, you can rest assured that they are still getting enough vitamin D in their diet. You can always try salmon again next week and live in hope that this will the week they declare salmon aka, ‘pink chicken’, to be their favourite ever food. Just don’t be naive enough to expect the same reaction the following week.
If you are interested in learning more about toddler nutrition, you might be interested to know that SMA® Nutrition has just launched a Facebook page, called ‘SMA® Baby Club UK & Ireland’. There are regular posts to help parents – both mums and dads – navigate their first 1,000 days of parenthood, from conception until their baby turns 2.
*Reference Intake (RI) is the amount of vitamins and minerals required per day by young children to help meet their daily nutritional requirements
IMPORTANT NOTICE: SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is suitable for young children from 1-3 years, as part of a healthy balanced diet and it is not a breast milk substitute. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible.
ZTC1864a/05/17 SMA® Nutrition UK