I have a new guilty pleasure, one that probably makes me sound really geeky. I have an obsession with Podcasts, particularly podcasts for bloggers. Before a couple of months ago, I would have never considered listening to a podcasts. I didn’t have a clue what they were about, but to me, they sounded dull, geeky and indulgent.
Fortunately, I discovered this is completely untrue and with this, I found a great source of blogging inspiration. Here are a handful of my favourite new discoveries.
Me & Orla
I have Sara Tasker, of Me & Orla, to thank for opening my eyes to podcasts. I have followed her on Instagram since attending her workshop at Blogtacular last summer, her feed is beautiful. As soon as I heard she’d started a podcast, I was keen to hear what she had to say. If you’re a blogger and you don’t know who Sara Tasker is, then you need to take a good look at yourself. Not really, but I would be surprised to meet another blogger who hadn’t yet come across her.
Sara Tasker is a freelancing, Instagramming guru. She has turned posting beautiful photos on Instagram, into a bona fide business. A business that does a wonderful job of inspiring and supporting other bloggers, whilst also encouraging them to explore their creativity. What a lovely job that must be?
Sara’s podcasts cover all that is Instagram, as well as spilling into advice for running your own business. Whether its tips on how to avoid the comparison trap, or interviews with successful Instagrammers, the thread that runs throughout the recordings is one of inspiration and encouragement. I feel uplifted after listening and love that it’s brought some amazing Instagrammers onto my radar.
My favourite so far: Avoiding the comparison trap on social media.
Kat Molsworth is a super creative and colourful individual who blogs about life, family and style at Housewife Confidential. She is also founder of the creative blogging conference, Blogtacular. A few of my blogger friends had been saying how great Kat’s podcasts are and they were on my must-hear list for a while. Once I finally got round to listening, they didn’t disappoint.
Kat’s interviews successful business women from creative industries on her podcasts. They delve into their business stories and share their expertise with listeners. Much like Me & Orla’s podcasts, they are motivational and each episode provides lessons that we could all learn from.
Many of the themes covered in the podcasts are similar to those you’ll see covered by speakers at the Blogtacular conference, so if you enjoy the podcasts then you will love this event. The event is a great way to connect with like minded people and the atmosphere is very welcoming, but if you’re a bit of a wallflower and finding meeting large groups of people quite daunting, then the podcasts are the perfect way to take this information in. Personally, I fall into the wallflower group and love being able to access these resources from the comfort of my home.
My favourite so far: Episode 002 Fiona Humberstone.
How They Blog
Much like Kat Molsworth, Kat Lee has been blogging forever. For over 11 years, in fact. Her podcast ‘How They Blog’ is a very recent podcast discovery for me, but I am so pleased to have stumbled across it. Her podcasts include a mixture of interviews and one person discussions on a broad range of topics from being a better writer, to blogging-life balance, email newsletters and more.
Kat’s podcasts offer a plethora of blogging tips and I will be working my way through them one by one. If I ever get a moments peace to listen!
My Favourite so far: Strategic Blogging.
I hope this super short list of my favourites will be of help to some of you. As I said before, I am new to podcasts, so my list of favourites is very short. If you have a list of your own favourites that you would like to share with me, then I would love to hear your recommendations.