Hands up who’s a last minute shopper?
Despite all the best intentions of having all my shopping done and dusted by the end of November, it NEVER EVER happens that way for me. Inevitably life gets in the way and by the middle of December, you’ll find me panicking and wondering why I’ve left it to the last minute yet again.
Maybe next year, I’ll accept that I’m just a last minute kinda gal and be done with it?
To those of you still busy tying up loose ends and with a few loved ones left to buy for, you’ll find zero judgement here! In fact, I only just bought my last gift today, so I can totally relate.
Luckily for me, my family are quite good at giving me (long and detailed) lists for what they’d like for Christmas, but if you’re still wondering what to get of the special people in you’re life, here are a few ideas.
So get your debit card and Baileys at the ready, and lets get your Christmas shopping finished!
For Her
For Him
For Little Ones
You’ll be pleased to know that you’ve still got just enough time to make next day deliveries in time for Christmas at some stores. Here are the cut offs for a few of my favourite places to shop …
ASOS – order by 10pm on Friday, 22nd December
Debenhams – order by 9pm on Friday, 22nd December
Space NK – order by 9pm on Friday, 22nd December
Jo Malone – Order by 5pm Thursday 21st December for Guaranteed Christmas Delivery
Argos – Order by 1pm Sunday 24th December delivered by 6pm with Fast Track Same Day Delivery.