Oh hello! Welcome to my spanking brand new blog!
It’s the same old me, but at a different URL and with a new blog name. I started ‘Noah & the Girls’ back in 2015, when I was writing about my children and our family. Over time, the things I liked to write about changed and so I felt as though I’d outgrown the name of my old blog.
Choosing a name for a blog can be a bit tricky, can’t it? Particularly, if you’re like me and prone to changing your mind every five minutes. This is why I decided to rename the blog in my own name. Is it possible to grow bored of your own name?
Let’s hope not.
There’s more to the change than just the new name. I love blogging, but had started to fall out of love with it. I had lost my spark and I felt as though I’d lost my way, which is why I have decided to make a few tweaks.
Going forward, expect lots more posts around blogging, social media and working freelance. I love that blogging has opened doors for me. I now work for myself part-time, earning a living through a combination of blogging and helping businesses out with their blogging and social media. It’s given me flexibility around my working hours and means that I can fit it all in around family life … or at least try to.
I am really excited about the new content and direction, and hoping it will be helpful to anyone thinking about going freelance or getting into blogging.
Alongside the new content, I will still cover interiors and general life stuff. Whether it’s a ramble about how being in your 30s is actually pretty awesome (hate that word, just saying) or a chat about feeing a bit anxious, I will continue to post all this suff here.
So, what else is new? Well, for one, I am planning to put something new up every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I’m saying this here, so that I can hold myself accountable. Perhaps you could hold me accountable too? Give me a little nudge if I start going off track, yeah?
I think that’s everything for now.
Thanks for coming over to see the new site, I hope you like it! Here’s to a fresh start!
Oh wow Kerry, I am sure the new blog will be just as fab as the last! Looks great already xx
Thanks Julia! I’m hoping a bit of a change up will help me to feel more excited about it again xx
AWESOME! 🙂 I’ve just gone through the same exact thing and decided to change my blog as well. (The changing your mind every 5 minutes thing, is SO relatable to me!) I am so excited about your upcoming posts! 🙂
Thank you! That’s lovely to hear. Oh is your new blog ready? You’ll have to let me know where to find you. Glad I’m not the only indecisive one! xx
Yay for the re-brand. I’m waiting for my new blog and logo to be ready but I’m keeping my name the same. I can’t bare to let it go.
I’m excited to see more blog posts from you.
Oh exciting! I look forward to seeing it. I love the name of yours, so you definitely don’t need to change it. I would like to have a logo made for this site too, but need to save a few pennies first! Let me know when your new website is ready and I will come and have a look xx
I love your new blog name and direction Kerry. I look really forward to reading your posts. I like that you have set a schedule I’ll definitely be back to check on those days xx
Thanks Tanita! I’m hoping I’ll be able to stick to the schedule. I feel like I need a bit of a routine with it. I hope you and your family are well. I’m so excited for you all with the new baby!! xx
Looking good! I like how you think that anybody but you cares about your “blogging schedule” though?! Yes we’re sat on the edge of our seats waiting for your next post here! Too funny!
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog Clara, so lovely of you to stop by and have a read.
Love the change of direction and looking forward to continuing with you on your journey. I for one am certainly on the edge of my seat and I look forward to reading xx
Thank you Pamela, you’re so lovely!! xxx
How’d I miss your change???? I love it. I need some accountability to post a little more regularly…eeeek but so lacking in mojo – is it summer blues??
Going to peruse your posts for a while now over my glass of vino xxxxx
Oh I’m not very good at promoting/keeping up to date with things, so it could have easily slipped under the radar! I haven’t been sticking to my schedule with the kids off school. I’m struggling to stay on top of the bare minimum these last few weeks xx