I recently invested (and I say invested because never in my life have I spent so much on a plant pot before) in a fancy new concrete plant stand from Next. Now, I know it’s only a plant pot and it’s not really life changing, but it has made me rethink how I decorate our home a little bit.
Everything we’ve done to decorate our home has been on a budget, which means we’ve made lots of sacrifices to quality along the way. The thing is though, now that we’re 6 years in (yes 6!), I can see that cutting corners to save a buck has cost us hundreds, if not thousands more.
Because most of what we’ve done hasn’t been good enough. We’ve spent money skimming walls that quite clearly needed to completely replastering (I know this because those walls are now disintegrating). We bought cheap blinds online, that don’t open without breaking and the less said about our fraying bargain carpet the better.
The upside of getting things wrong, is that you learn from it and hopefully don’t make the same mistakes twice.
Which is why I’ve now completely changed the way I think about decorating and furnishing our home. While there definitely are ways to furnish your home in a really tasteful and affordable way (eBay I’m looking at you), it also pays to invest a little bit more in certain places (e.g. plant stand of dreams) so you get something that will last and ultimately save you money in the long run.
With this in mind, I’m sharing a collection of ‘plant stands of dreams’, that I would love to find a spot for in my home.
Plant Stand of Dreams Lust List
Embossed Iron Planters, £94
Spun Metal Planter, £89
Eden Cross Base Planter, £159
Cage Plant Stand, £159
Cement Style Wide Planter, £55
Contemporary Tripod Planters, £112
Given that the ones above are quite spendy and we don’t always have this much money to splash on a plant that will likely meet it’s drought, flood induced death within weeks; here’s a selection of cheaper, but still perfectly formed options.
Best Budget Plant Stands
1. Speckled White Desk Planter With Black Stand, £30
2. Mid Century Planter, £27.40
3. Bamboo Plant Stand, £30
4. White Ceramic Footed Planter with Gold Feet, £17.99
5. Plant pot with 5 plant pots, £30
I have one of these. Empty. Because I killed the plant. Must try harder. ?
I always know you had good taste! I’m a serial plant killer too.. if it’s green it’s not safe in this house x