I am fascinated by happiness.
Aren’t we all to a certain extent? Happiness is the ultimate goal, right?
In terms of happiness, I’m in a pretty good place right now. I mean, I’ve had my moments. I’m not always super happy, by any means. In fact, if anything, I’m prone to being a downright misery at times.
But do you know what? I think I’m coming to realise that happiness is something you can work on.
For me, the idea that we are all ultimately responsible for our own happiness is a double edged sword. It’s hard to accept responsibility when I’m feeling low, but at the same time, knowing that happiness isn’t controlled by outside sources fills me with optimism.
So when things aren’t going to plan or I’m feeling like a moron because I’ve gone and done something daft again. Like sending one of the kids into school with a bag of rubbish, instead of stuff for a school project. I try to focus on the positives and enjoy the little things in life that put a smile on my face.
Things like freshly washed sheets, the sound of my children laughing and warm, buttery croissants score quite highly.
And if the response from Instagram is anything to go by, everyday life is pretty bloomin sweet! Here are a few of life’s everyday pleasures that the Instagram community can’t get enough of:
“Pour over coffee, dew on grass, and the cold side of the pillow.” @beforeandagain_
“An afternoon nap and a cup of hot chai.” @lizmosley
“Opening the curtains in the morning to let the daylight stream in.”@carenbarry
“Getting snail mail!” @thisisjules
“Nutella and cat cuddling, in that order.” @kutovakkia
“That first cup of coffee and a spritz of my favourite perfume.” @irish_mama_in_london
“When your favourite song comes on shuffle.” @katbluejay
“Soft woolly blankets and a good book on a rainy day.” @hayleyfromhome
“A warm pastry straight out of the oven, sofa cuddles, and warm towels after a hot shower.” @sheflourished_
“A phone call from my friend.” @leointhegarden
“That first sip of hot tea in the morning.” @karenbhphotos
“Fresh cut flowers.” @suzannew_pics
“Curtains billowing in the wind on a warm sunny day.” @sucretales
“Getting home after a cold wet day and having a hot bubble bath – heaven!” @wonderandwild_
“Walks in the wood.” @foragedheather
“Freshly cleaned washing blowing in the breeze!” @littlejampotlife
“Knowing the kitchen cupboards are full.” @aconstantdreamer
“Fresh bread spread thickly with butter!” @helsbellesmemoriesandcoldtea
“The smell of rain and bare feet in grass.” @elenignrds
“An empty inbox and breakfast in bed.” @yia_des
“A beautiful morning sky.” @annickenhj
“Breeze feeling, star gazing, dog snuffling, chip eating, and cake baking.” @andrewtimothyob
I don’t know about you, but I find it hard not to feel happy when I think of all these lovely things. It also makes me think that setting aside just one day a year, to enjoy all of these things at once, would be the the dream. And with the UK climate, I like my chances of being able to enjoy both dismal and sunny weather within the space of 24hrs.
Oh and if you’re interested in happiness and how to get it, then you should definitely go read ‘The Little Book of Lykke’. The only danger being that it may make you want to up sticks and go and live on a commune, which if you’re an introvert like me, is quite a disturbing prospect.
Ah love this post and your pictures to accompany it are just perfect. I think all of these would be right up there for me, especially the clean washing – amazing how so many of us love this isn’t it?! Thanks for including my suggestion 🙂 xx
Seems we all enjoy the same things! Thanks so much for giving me a suggestion to include xx
I’ve heard good things about that little book. Happiness is definitely an inside job for sure – we can’t control any of the things that go on in our world, all we can do is choose our responses to it all. I do my best to choose happy and positive wherever I can.
Ah this is such a gorgeous post full of all those feel good vibes we crave. Coffee pops up a lot as does reading. It’s the simple things that give us so much pleasure isn’t it? Wonderful post xx
Beautiful post Kerry, it really is the simple little things that are the key to happiness. xx
Oh what a lovely list of things to make you smile, I have heard of this book before it sounds fab x
Gorgeous post, they are all up there for me too. I love a cosy day enjoying all of the little things that make me smile. x
Happiness is a funny old thing and something I personally don’t think about enough. I’m guilty of taking it for granted and missing it terribly when something upsets the balance. On the whole I’m a happy person, thank you for reminding me that happiness is within us all and is not dependant on material things and money. Great post. Here are a few things that make me happy…
– Cuddles with my girls
– Daffodils in Spring
– The smell of sun tan lotion
– Hot chocolate in Autumn
– Christmas stockings
– Blue sky
– Clean bed sheets
– Bubble baths
Oh I do love the way you write girl. This is beautiful. So many great contributors there too. There is SO much to be happy for. I just finished reading the little book of lykke OMG the danish know a thing or two about happiness. It’s a great mind opener. We all need to pause more for the little things in life to cherish as much as the big. #wrc